اخبار چين لينک

Supporting secure lending with @augmentedfin on @gnosischain https://t.co/t2fd7bRvY8

Supporting provably random drawings and provably rare #NFT capsule generation with @XCodeInfinity on @0xPolygon https://t.co/ms6Qsis0OC

.@cratostoken—a real-time voting platform—has integrated #Chainlink Keepers on #Ethereum to help automate its token vesting process. Find out how Keepers decentralize Cratos’ token vesting mechanism through autonomous execution ⬇️ https://t.co/B12omIGpRv

#Chainlink oracles enable @HYPHEN_AG to bring validated climate data to blockchains through its reporting framework, making it accessible by any third party—including smart contracts that support green finance initiatives. 📺➡️https://t.co/3xwa7i0irv https://t.co/Dh78LKKISL

توییت چين لينک

Decentralized price data is integral to #DeFi security. Whether they're powering lending platforms, yield farms, or insurance products, #Chainlink Price Feeds continue to be the most secure and reliable price oracle solution in #Web3. Get the details ➡️https://t.co/9dSdHYCOx5 https://t.co/WAroFjmQBf

توییت چين لينک

⬡ New Energy Industry Report ⬡ Co-authored by leading research institute @tecnalia & @chainlinklabs, this paper explores how #blockchains & #Chainlink oracles are accelerating the transition to clean energy & supporting the fight against climate change. https://t.co/1lmSkf1yjV

2/ Chainlink focuses on empowering projects to establish cryptographic truth across the core pillars of society, unlocking innovative #blockchain-based solutions that address complex social and environmental issues. Five main areas of focus:

1/ From democratizing finance to combating climate change, #Web3 is ushering in a new era of fairness & transparency. A 🧵on how #Chainlink powers social impact initiatives. https://t.co/9guV5k3VFb

6/ Education Chainlink supports initiatives that empower people to learn about how blockchain and smart contracts unlock opportunities that lead to the economic betterment of communities worldwide, including hackathons, research grants, social impact prizes, and more.

5/ Insurance Chainlink oracle networks provide blockchain-based parametric insurance products with access to real-world data, enabling a wide range of coverage products, including weather, crop, and disaster insurance, to often underserved regions.