اخبار چين لينک

In Q1 2022, #Chainlink grew to support 900+ decentralized oracle networks & powered Web3 innovation across top #blockchains. Key milestones: 📶 2B+ data points ⛓️ 65M+ on-chain calls 🎲 4.4M+ randomness requests 🤖 20K+ automated transactions A snapshot of Chainlink adoption ⬇️ https://t.co/A7LSDjyfIc

توییت چين لينک

RT @chainlink: The #Chainlink Spring 2022 Hackathon starts April 22! Sign up today for the chance to build the next breakthrough #dApp & ma…

1/ Yield farming is a financial primitive in #DeFi that helps projects bootstrap liquidity and community through incentivization and alignment. Here's a break down of how #dApps can leverage yield farming to grow their user base🧵👇 https://t.co/h8M4wahO4m

8/ A subset of DeFi protocols attempted to improve upon the original designs of liquidity mining—a wave of innovation known as DeFi 2.0. The focus of DeFi 2.0 is to overcome long-term liquidity limitations through more sophisticated incentive models. https://t.co/cjDGmMeIZP

7/ Yield farming has changed a lot since its inception. In such a fast-moving ecosystem with rapid innovation cycles, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to implement successful liquidity mining schemes that create long-lasting network effects.

6/ The distributed tokens allow the community to collectively own the protocol and participate in key governance proposals. This can create a strong community of token holders who are highly incentivized to stay for the long term and continue providing value to the ecosystem.

5/ Fair token distribution can also help create and scale communities. Instead of allocating tokens to a select few, tokens can be given directly to community members based on their specific contributions to the protocol.

3/ Yield farming is often implemented to fulfill these objectives: -Bootstrapping liquidity, growing a protocol’s utility and user base -Fairly distributing newly minted tokens, increasing a protocol’s decentralization But why are these two concepts so important in #DeFi?

4/ Network effects can be powerful in creating a defensible moat for a DeFi protocol. The idea is that more liquidity attracts more users, who deposit more liquidity, which attracts more users, and so on—creating a virtuous cycle of growth and lasting network effects.

2/ Yield farming, or liquidity mining, is a method for rewarding users for providing liquidity or other value-adding services to a #dApp’s ecosystem. In essence, yield farming incentivizes users to generate value for a protocol by rewarding them for their participation.