اخبار مونرو

5/ Monero users spent 1,510 XMR on fees this year, an average of 4.12 XMR per day. The average Monero transaction fee was ~0.00016 XMR, or $0.04196. The average TX fee dropped 48% YoY thanks to how Monero's fee model works as usage increases. https://t.co/c8swJb7RUl

توییت مونرو

6/ Monero's network security saw another excellent year of steady growth, going from 2.29GH/s to 3.51GH/s over the year, a 53% increase in hash rate YoY! This year also saw the introduction of #p2pool, which already averages 5% of the network hashrate. https://t.co/RblCKamAte

توییت مونرو

7/ The Monero community on Reddit increased 21.8% YoY, growing from 211,000 to 257,000 subscribers. Be sure to dive in there if you're not already participating in that part of the Monero community: https://t.co/RSAsKkD7SH https://t.co/Ev3HzGjMFG

توییت مونرو

8/ The followers of this account grew from ~390k to ~473k, a 21.6% increase YoY. Be sure to follow us here (@monero) for more updates, info, and tweet threads like this!

11/ It was another amazing year in the Monero community, and this list is absolutely not exhaustive. It also doesn't capture the immense growth in usage of Monero, a burgeoning circular economy, the many new faces and supporters of Monero, and much more.

13/13 To learn more about some of the things discussed here, check out these links: - https://t.co/2gNwkWKbbZ - https://t.co/U8brb6ZT7g - https://t.co/ibezUB4fR0 - https://t.co/gGAb85CyqL - https://t.co/EFLeFYW1Gi

12/ If we missed anything important, please drop it below! Hard to keep up with all that's happening in this community, project, and ecosystem, but it's amazing to see the growth and adoption of Monero as a store of value, digital cash, and freedom money.

10/ The Monero ecosystem also had some major upgrades and additions like the launch of p2pool, view tags (30-40% decrease in sync times), Bulletproofs+ (soon to go live in the upcoming network upgrade!), and the development of the proposed next-genMonero protocol, Seraphis.

9/ We had some large and important community funded projects get funding via voluntary donations this last year as well, including the @HavenoDEX front-end, @MoneroKon funding, a Seraphis PoC and implementation, $ETH<>$XMR atomic swaps by @elizabethereum, and many more!

P.S - a special thank you to Monero community member "reeemuru" for putting in the time and effort to gather these stats and write the original blog post! As Monero is a decentralized project, there are always many ways that you can get involved, like writing a blog post!