اخبار بیت کوین اس وی

Join @B2029org's Metanet Techtalk for an engaging and immersive #BSV Meetup in #Berlin on April 14 at 7pm CEST. Together with drinks and snacks, you'll learn about new technologies, products, and developments in the #Bitcoin SV economy. RSVP Now: https://t.co/dUmJIfBP9l https://t.co/LHKO7uLgCr

توییت بیت کوین اس وی

Many infer #Blockchaintechnology will be a critical component for ushering in #Web3. But if the particular #blockchain utilised isn't very useful, then what use will be any solution that leverages it? Blockchain Tech writer, Todd Price has his say: https://t.co/980jSBMUtJ

Fascinated with #blockchain and want to get closer to the action? Our job board offers opportunities in a range of positions in blockchain-related companies, from #BitcoinDeveloper, #FinanceAnalyst, #ProductManager & #Marketing. Start your job search: https://t.co/U0nJJ7YqqY https://t.co/GZcfcsnC1c

توییت بیت کوین اس وی

#BitcoinSV maintains its overwhelming majority share in transaction propagation, processing 77.5% of total #blockchain tx at a substantial 128 tx per second over 24h! Source: @bitinfocharts Learn why #blockchainscaling is crucial for the #dataeconomy: https://t.co/e56cnlWbzq https://t.co/nSCvGbIpIL

توییت بیت کوین اس وی

Step 4 of running the #Bitcoin network: a node that finds a proof-of-work broadcasts it to all nodes. In its full form, a block is a set of all transactions in the Merkle Tree + the block header. Register for our Merkle Trees short course to learn more: https://t.co/JJB5QvA2rP https://t.co/TMOLv8jDwg

توییت بیت کوین اس وی

Step 4 of running the #Bitcoin network: a node that finds a proof-of-work broadcasts it to all nodes. In its full form, a block is a set of all transactions in the Merkle Tree + the block header. Register for our Merkle Trees short course to learn more: https://t.co/Yssx9Midas https://t.co/LM50mCbR8R

توییت بیت کوین اس وی

Just 3 days until the B2029 Metanet Techtalk in #Berlin! Join @B2029org's Co-Founder Ekhard Seeßelberg on April 14 for a talk on #IPv6 & what this means for #Bitcoin SV's economy over drinks and snacks. RSVP now: https://t.co/ihj5e1yIe0 #Blockchain #meetup #BSV https://t.co/peBJGxZ5Fp

توییت بیت کوین اس وی

We spoke to @SheaWinterPhoto, Founder of online art store @WinterMuseo, about his recent launch of #NFTs and payments on #BSV. https://t.co/haEuu6dCg4 #BSVBlockchain #BSV

@Block_Dojo invites you to join their investor Lunch at the prestigious Colonel Saab restaurant on March 28 - April 1! Ask start-up founders about the ideas behind their projects & gain early access to the SEIS-pending investment round. https://t.co/eVJLGvZYj4 #BSV #Blockchain

From Front-end Developer, Compliance Analyst, and Legal Counsel positions - there's a wide variety of job opportunities in the #blockchain space. Explore the latest #jobs across industries and job functions on our job board: https://t.co/1f6drt1jTX #BlockchainCareers