اخبار کرو داو توکن

@moo9000 Looks cool. But where's Curve and Uniswap3? Missing so much alpha without those. In 0.3?

@0x_zeno @CurveCap @dopex_io Dope

@poordart @VitalikButerin Doesn't one who tries to harm Vitalik get slashed?

@0xAlunara @Roberta66961503 The pounder is tokenized right?

@moo9000 We have grants, and of course can find other (non-DAO) ways to fund, too. DM :-D // P.S. but practically, of course important to support many because that's what's important for arbitrage

@mohamedmansour @0xGlaive Better to save than not, that’s for sure

@0xTitus @StakeDAOHQ Oh shit thanks. Bad intern here, sorry

@mohamedmansour Nice! You realize though that here you saved just 6 cents?

RT @tztokchad: . @dopex_io $crv ssov-p is now live - buy $2.75 $crv puts - buy $crv - deposit in $cvxcrv LP - deposit LP in @ConvexFinance…