اخبار هلیوم

Congrats, @hoopoIOT on the recent tracker rollout with Maman Group! Using the @Helium Network, hoopoSense trackers provide asset visibility for a wide-range of industries, now including cargo at Israel’s busiest airport. Read the news: https://t.co/mRWOCcnVgL. https://t.co/ybF3iFPAxs

توییت هلیوم

Sensors on the @Helium Network can help organizations take control of their data, and the @DataGovs platform is here to help you connect, automate, and monitor. Get the inside scoop on DataGovs from @refreshmiami: https://t.co/zRYygypID1

RT @bfgneil1: Another weekly Helium News video is now live on my channel, is there actually a use for crypto? NYTimes thinks so, new HIPs a…

RT @dewialliance: We’re pleased to announce the approval of two technical Helium Improvement Proposals. Combined, these HIPs, 45 & 46, impr…

As 3G networks sunset, the wireless protocol will soon be a distant memory. With these shutdowns, many #IoT devices that rely on 3G will become obsolete. @Helium offers a distributed and transparent alternative. More from Tim O'Hearn at @RAKwireless: https://t.co/FMjiJ3XqbY. https://t.co/IsRSQSXTQT

توییت هلیوم