اخبار نکسو

Nexonians, Due to a technical issue with one of our third-party service providers, all ETH, MATIC, and ERC20 tokens transactions are currently put on halt. They have identified the issue and are working on its resolution. We will keep you updated on the matter.

The issue has been resolved. All transactions are now fully operational.

Got questions about the #NexoCard?💳 Join our monthly AMA with @AntoniNexo and our Product Manager Silvi Angelov as they shed light on the world's first card that lets you keep your crypto. ⏰ April 28, 17:00 BST ❓Qs submission will start on Mon, April 25 https://t.co/DJnWvwer7A

توییت نکسو

Worried you'd miss the #NexoCard AMA? Set a YouTube reminder using the link below: https://t.co/qgsh4heq5T

Cashing in without having to cash out on your #crypto? That's how we roll with the #NexoCard. Keep the upside of your assets, while spending instantly wherever you are. 🌍 https://t.co/71xY0hHPTJ

Using Nexo's @MetaMask integration has a lot of perks. The ability to seamlessly top up, earn & borrow is just the tip of the iceberg. Add to that the #NexoBridge and your assets will hop between the #Ethereum mainnet and #Polygon in a snap while saving you gas fees. 1/2 https://t.co/yEmvqs8ldv

توییت نکسو

*Proud sponsor of @exec_sum and Team Litty 🔥 https://t.co/p42rg79Y4j

Here's the tweet! 👇 The more you retweet the higher your chances 😉 2/2 https://t.co/XnblyNnhKD

The #CardOut Giveaway is going ahead full throttle! Take part and get $100 in $NEXO! All you have to do is follow us @Nexo, like 💙, and retweet 🔁 our original #NexoCard 💳 announcement tweet linked in the thread below! 1/2 https://t.co/8DrL4R2BkX

توییت نکسو

Learn more about how to use our industry-first @MetaMask integration and all the utility it can bring you. https://t.co/VBzyxXb4oV