اخبار APEcoin.dev

RT @Casetify: That’s right. Casetify’s @NFTYC_io is accepting $APE now https://t.co/JuxH5ls0n6

RT @BoredNHngry: FIRST RESTAURANT TO ACCEPT ETH & $APE!!!!!! WE DID IT!!! https://t.co/8DshJ2uI4v

توییت APEcoin.dev

RT @topshotswickie: FIRST PERSON EVER to buy a burger with @apecoin and on-chain! @whatsupwally just out here makin history @BoredNHngry! h…

Our friends at @coinbase are making a film featuring ApeCoin! Learn more👇 https://t.co/EOfm1HLeBw

DEVS DID SOMETHING! 😂🦧 on a serious note APES we tested the mint site tonight everything worked smoothly, should be announcing the NFT release date in a few days from now, LFG! #justaped

#NewProfilePic 🦍

gn apes, update on our NFTS when i wake up 📈🚀

Here's the TXN https://t.co/KmIWDg10gl ! https://t.co/z7YipUjCjr

Winner 🏆: @some2172 ✔️ https://t.co/8MefFDOId4 DM me with your ETH address and ill be sending those $ape tokens your way!