اخبار APEcoin.dev

🔥 https://t.co/R39TpmR6ul

@SamCryptogeek @APEPETH no

GM $ape fam, how is everyone?

Oh also just want to say sorry for all the delays... NFT announcement in the coming days!

Drawing this in an hour LFG! https://t.co/rDYtn8imsF

Our NFT is launching soon, when you mint you will be able to stake your NFT for $ape coin!

https://t.co/u8hwRdMlyL ALSO FORGOT TO TWEET, WE DID A 4.2 ETH BUY BACK EARLIER LFGGG! https://t.co/JTVO6Nw0dY

توییت APEcoin.dev

Used 5.2 eth of the buyback wallet today, tomorrow we use the rest of the back wallet and let $ape rippp 🔥🔥 https://t.co/qFDFWLiohG


Snapshot for the NFTs haven't been taken yet... although you might want to be quick to get your $ape because we like to be steath when we take snapshots 😉