اخبار Convex Finance

👀 https://t.co/Jnc8rnmvtx

توییت Convex Finance

200M $CRV 🔒🔒🔒 https://t.co/uV7htKch4i

توییت Convex Finance

Another spectacular piece of art from @Valkyrie_NFT ! https://t.co/NEdl9WTTkN

This week's 12K $CVX tokens for the $cvxCRV pool have been posted as incentives, along with 8828 tokens rolled over from last week. ~73% of $CVX tokens were re-captured from last week, for a total of 20,828 $CVX this week. https://t.co/4mSdGnLRLP

Claimable $CVX tokens can be found by using the "Search rewards" field at the top of the page after signing in to https://t.co/gAsrHUzKjZ and searching for the $CVX token address: 0x4e3FBD56CD56c3e72c1403e103b45Db9da5B9D2B

The $FPIS airdrop from @fraxfinance is now claimable on https://t.co/gQr0H5uDZi for users who held $cvxFXS during the snapshot in February. Claims are accessible under the "Airdrops" section. https://t.co/NLdwXDdsog

A full write-up of the bug disclosure from December 2021 from @OpenZeppelin. Additional information regarding this disclosure can also be found in Convex documentation: https://t.co/NE4JSUhYa6 https://t.co/XrzmpgmVeh

New incentives have been posted for the $CVX / $ETH and $cvxFXS / $FXS pools through https://t.co/gAsrHUzKjZ 15K $CVX tokens to the $CVX pool 24K $CVX tokens to the $FXS pool For future epochs, these will be reduced to 7.5K and 12K, respectively

Additionally, 12K $CVX tokens + 11.45K tokens rolled over are posted for the $cvxCRV pool

Convex Finance will begin providing $CVX incentives to veCRV holders through https://t.co/BbxL98zlLI, beginning with 12K $CVX tokens per week to the $cvxCRV pool, with intent to expand incentives to other pools in the future.