اخبار چين لينک

#Chainlink Price Feeds provide hyper-reliable data across multiple #blockchain and layer-2 environments. Integrate the AAVE/USD Price Feed on @BNBChain to build secure #DeFi markets around @AaveAave’s token. https://t.co/veNMw017T1

Helping secure mobile payments with @WorldMobileTeam on @0xPolygon https://t.co/5TxFYQNm4L

Helping secure a #GameFi ecosystem with @lamasfinance on @solana https://t.co/6FvytayjKz

Transparently auditing assets to verify the collateral of wrapped tokens with @BridgeTowerCap https://t.co/Ns6UU5Obhz

.@OfficialPearDAO is now using #Chainlink Price Feeds for enhanced price reporting. Price Feeds enable high-quality, tamper-proof market data to be displayed in Pear Market—a non-custodial marketplace governed by a community-driven #DAO. https://t.co/YsE1nRl7kO

Helping select game winners at random with @ethernLCrypto on @BNBChain https://t.co/1fKXP74gx5

Supporting a fair lucky draw game with @KryptomonTeam on BNBChain https://t.co/YTVUD6DrhQ

.@StakinOfficial—a #Web3 service provider—is joining the #Chainlink Network as a node operator to help secure oracle networks and support the expansion of the rapidly growing smart contract economy. Learn more👇 https://t.co/3TSAHkg0Bx

.@BridgeTowerCap has partnered with @Securitize to launch the BridgeTower Global Platform offering for Permissioned Markets and Staked Digital Asset Security (SDAS). #Chainlink Proof of Reserve will be used for transparent, up-to-date asset auditing. https://t.co/h9B6C4F2RB

Startup with Chainlink, a program to support and empower early-stage Web3 projects, is now open for applications! Startups that join the program will receive access to resources, technical support, and mentorship to help fuel their success. https://t.co/Pyz0L59EEI