اخبار مونرو

#Monero is made for this.

Another step closer to a decentralized and privacy-preserving exchange built on top of #Monero! Be sure to follow @HavenoDEX to keep up with development and find ways you can help contribute. https://t.co/tC3ms73dmz

#Monero fulfills the cypherpunk vision of freedom and privacy-preserving digital cash. We're very glad to see @motherboard put out a well-written article on privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies! https://t.co/YeoBe1927v

We're pleased to share that PrimeXBT has listed #Monero! https://t.co/7bwdWMFO18

RT @binaryFate: I'm super excited to soft launch RINO! Think BitGo or Fireblocks, for #Monero. Stagenet testers wanted and feedback very w…

We're pleased to share Revuo #Monero Issue 109: February 17, 2022 - Feb 24, 2022 is now available! https://t.co/PNVET4yezI

We're excited to share this excellent article on #Monero's network upgrades by LocalMonero! 'How #Monero uses hard-forks to upgrade the network' https://t.co/cIgjjQjoSi

What you do on-chain could come back to haunt you later if you use poor privacy tools today, so be wary of grandiose claims. #Monero has an ~8y proven track record of being the simplest and strongest protection for your financial privacy. Learn more at https://t.co/UYopePqqdo

RT @monerujowallet: We're more than happy to announce that the SideKick project just got fully funded! That leaves no open funding requests…

RT @MagicGrants: The MAGIC Monero Fund is now accepting rolling applications for research grants focused on improving the Monero protocol a…