اخبار چين لينک

Linda Cai from @Princeton and Sourav Das from @IllinoisCS have been awarded a @ChainlinkLabs Research Fellowship, which is given to promising PhD students conducting research with transformative potential for the #blockchain industry. https://t.co/dpPNPqOs2G

.@ProjectLarix is integrating #Chainlink Price Feeds to provide reliable decentralized price data to its lending and borrowing platform on @Solana. Read more about this integration and the benefits of using decentralized price feeds. https://t.co/8FlL4798a0

In this case study, explore how #Chainlink Price Feeds enabled @traderjoe_xyz's lending arm Banker Joe to quickly scale while offering a secure lending and borrowing experience to users. Check it out👇 https://t.co/eWTW8o1Ivw

#Chainlink Price Feeds source data from multiple premium aggregators to generate globally accurate, volume-weighted prices. Integrate the VGX/ETH Price Feed on #Ethereum to build secure markets around @investvoyager’s token. https://t.co/7rmoZCHJqV

⛓️ Chainlink Adoption Update ⛓️ This week, 16 projects adopted 5 #Chainlink oracle services across 4 different chains, including #BNBChain, #Ethereum, #Optimism, and #Polygon. Also, Chainlink VRF v2 launched on Ethereum mainnet: https://t.co/DsIExpC5iZ https://t.co/U1sasigkeW

توییت چين لينک

Fantom is going through a hyper-growth phase, with Total Value Locked (TVL) increasing 22x since last August. In the chart below, see how #Chainlink oracles support @FantomFDN's growth, powering top dApps like @screamdotsh, @GeistFinance, @MIM_Spell, @QiDaoProtocol, & many more. https://t.co/cKRf4oqE5d

توییت چين لينک

An invitation to all our London-based community members: join us for a discussion on NFTs, digital ownership, & the rise of an interoperable metaverse. Taking place 2/25 from 5PM to 7PM GMT, meet local community members & Chainlink Developer Advocates. https://t.co/oawuiInJV9

For those in Thailand, don’t miss out on an island adventure on Koh Phangan! Meet interesting people, learn new things, & hear @Dashpay NEXT co-founder @FelixMagoCrypto talk NFTs, #PlaytoEarn, and the #metaverse. Taking place 2/24, 18-21:00 ICT. https://t.co/w5sEv1AjIX

If you’re in Dubai, join the Chainlink community for a discussion on #DeFi, Price Feeds, and #blockchain technology. Taking place February 24th from 6:45PM to 8:45PM GST, join to dive deep on these fascinating topics with @tabbaa4, CEO of @CoinMENA. https://t.co/LnNt406Ui9

Developers in San Diego are invited to attend a Building Workshop hosted by @EthSanDiego. From 6:30PM to 9PM PST, join a step-by-step workshop to code an #NFT that reacts to external data and systems through Chainlink. https://t.co/qc0IYx4Qsn