اخبار چين لينک

2/ If you're at #ETHDenver, join us at Skylight (833 Santa Fe Dr. Denver, CO 80204) for a hands-on experience of building smart contracts. The bootcamp is running from 9AM-5PM MST, so head over now.

1/ Don't forget to join the Smart Contract Developer Bootcamp today! Learn the fundamentals of #blockchain development in a single day with support from #Chainlink developer advocates. Register here: https://t.co/brgV21odES Join in person or watch online now👇

Action sports analytics firm Apex146 has launched a #Chainlink node to bring its sports data to #blockchains. Developers can now build use cases, such as dynamic #NFTs, prediction markets, and more, based on real-life action sports data. Learn more ➡️https://t.co/rs5R0zQEKa https://t.co/A9q5pE7xgg

توییت چين لينک

#Chainlink enables developers to leverage high-quality price data provided by an extensive collection of pre-built oracle networks. Integrate the TRIBE/USD Price Feed on @arbitrum to build secure markets around @feiprotocol's governance token. https://t.co/Mow6TQpnpy

Helping calculate fair IDO allocations with @PulseMoon2 on BNB Chain https://t.co/lNSG5GrlUM

Your favorite #blockchain RNG service is now even more cost-efficient, scalable, & configurable. Here's a look at how #Chainlink VRF v2 empowers smart contract developers to build provably fair #NFTs, play-to-earn dApps, & a wide range of on-chain games. https://t.co/5O32hZrGHl https://t.co/TVC7nwSV4E

توییت چين لينک

#Chainlink VRF v2 is now live on #Ethereum mainnet! Featuring a new Subscription Management App, VRF v2 provides #NFT creators and #blockchain game devs with a highly configurable, gas-efficient, and scalable solution for accessing verifiable randomness. https://t.co/DsIExpkurr

#Chainlink Tech Talk #6 with @0xSami_, @mikey_milken, & @tjdunham5 begins in 30 minutes. Learn all about the latest innovations in #DeFi and the power of composability in this live panel and Q&A. Sign up now👇 https://t.co/yDGb87Frwk

If you're a developer looking for a simple, command line-based tool to help you create, test, and deploy smart contracts, @dapptools is a great choice. In this technical tutorial, learn how to build and deploy Chainlinked smart contracts using DappTools. https://t.co/v5LXysSolK

Previous Chainlink Grant recipient @HYPHEN_AG has launched a #Chainlink decentralized oracle network to bring validated N2O reporting data from @ICOS_RI to blockchains, incentivizing sustainable business practices. https://t.co/4105AL8oSE