اخبار زد كش

Since 2016, ECC has been at the forefront of groundbreaking research + development with implications beyond #Zcash and the cryptocurrency world. Here's what kept our engineers busy in 2021👇 https://t.co/dKG1aovjWv

RT @ZcashFoundation: While we're thrilled with the speaker submissions that we've received so far for Zcon3, we've decided to extend the de…

RT @Snowden: Huge: CIA mass ("bulk") surveillance has been carried out “entirely outside the statutory framework, and without any judicial…

🚨Starting now, join us for the next #Zcash Arborist Call. https://t.co/pTysQjoFw8

Back in 2019, we launched the Crypto in Context program with partners @gemini, @FlexaHQ, @Messari, and others. Since that time, we’ve learned as much or more from these students as they’ve learned from us. Thank you, @_CarlosAce_ 🙏 https://t.co/Uy0mOdWMW5

#Zcash $ZEC users, please be aware: https://t.co/9GQIYcjayx