اخبار زد كش

Apps like Flexa and Gemini Pay let you pay with $ZEC at places like Nordstrom, Baskin Robbins, and more. https://t.co/98hqwvXJrV

More of an online shopper? @paywithmoon's got you covered. Moon let’s you use $ZEC online at any site where Visa is accepted. https://t.co/rU3HAlhXB7

So, zodl or spend? However you like. $ZEC. https://t.co/gTEH39f0Gx

We can confirm that @zcash has its own twitter. https://t.co/wkV7opxQuK

RT @NOWPayments_io: How to make #z2z even smoother? 🪙 🎇By intergrating it into your #eCommerce store — this time, we are introducing $ZEC…

What do you do with shielded $ZEC? Whatever you want. Some examples: Donate to charity, tip your favorite barista or hold it for the long-term. Make your money yours. #LearnZcash

**If your exchange doesn’t support shielded withdrawals** Download the @NighthawkWallet and shield your $ZEC. https://t.co/TPr9Y8009q

Download a wallet and send your $ZEC from the exchange to your new shielded address. Now your money is shielded. https://t.co/FLGqYCJ0ZI

Reminder: Shielding assets on #Zcash is the best way to enable financial privacy and freedom. Without privacy, you can’t truly own your stuff. https://t.co/4PCmyzJboM

How do you make money more private? First, buy $ZEC on an exchange. @Gemini enables shielded withdrawals, so that makes things easier. https://t.co/AdfTW4G69y