اخبار زد كش

RT @zcashmedia: Set a reminder so you don’t miss out, at least one announcement will be made!! Let’s make this the biggest z-addr wallet on…

We’ll be at @Permissionless to share how anyone can track your activity without your permission 😎https://t.co/g95xKlqkeK

So permissionless surveillance? Pretty much. Chat with us and see how you can level up with on-chain privacy.

The Zcash documentary is premiering now! Join @zcashmedia’s channel to learn how Zcash is solving some of crypto’s most pressing problems. https://t.co/NKlrrBK5x6

RT @bethinbrooklyn: @paulbrigner from @ElectricCoinCo working on Pretty Good Policy this morning. $ZEC #zcash https://t.co/c3RfoGqUja

توییت زد كش توییت زد كش

RT @ZcashFoundation: The Zcash Foundation is excited to announce that its annual #Zcash conference, Zcon3, will be held in-person, at the P…

RT @FilFoundation: Filecoin Foundation 🤝 @ElectricCoinCo ✅ Halo 2 codebase is available under an MIT open-source license ✅ Up to $9M in…

Release 4.7.0 marks a major milestone on the path to NU5. It enables full support for the Orchard shielded protocol and Unified Addresses on testnet. It will also reactivate NU5 on testnet to pick up the latest consensus changes. https://t.co/l3BMar6HkX

“You should not be born into, and restricted, by a specific type of money. Your money should be free, and since you earned it, you should be able to do whatever you want with it.” https://t.co/6ctxuMUbCY

توییت زد كش

RT @zcashmedia: New to crypto? @electriccoinco Engineer Sean Bowe (@ebfull) explains a major #Bitcoin flaw & why he thinks #Zcash can fix i…